четвъртък, 12 юли 2012 г.

Acar Köyü Yolu - Turkey Trip

 This series of photos shot on a little adventure ride to Acar Köyü Yolu. I traveled with two Bulgarian Tsvetelina and Christina and one Pole Rafael (Turkish man who knew and was aware of the site as often journeyed to Turkey). Rafa has offered to find a place that had a waterfall and guess to bathe. Against this desert near Mardin it sounded pretty good deal. Takka that morning we left 4-5 groups in pairs to the oasis. None of us had visited before there. We traveled with flowers and on the road for the first village we met another couple Chris and Rafa and went with them. 

 The village where we stopped to buy water and something refreshing - because it was hellish heat - the woman does not sell drinks invited us to stay in them. The Turks are very hospitable people. Draw our cigarettes with coffee and water for a short time together another 3-4 women from families with small children. Rafa told them what we are looking and they said to one of the children show us the way.

When you exit the village imperceptibly came 2 more children guess no more than 15-16 years, who went with us. At one point I realized that kids want money for that road show, but we refused. Rafa was decided to contract a cigarette and when one of the children at once to make a cigarette and noticed it had a gun and it is real. We decided on quickly getting rid of them and keep yourself because no one knew what might happen. Otherwise we could shoot and no one understood. When we parted after a while we heard several shots into the air and be happy that they are not aimed at us.

We went ahead in the infernal heat of 45-50 degrees, I with great pains in the abdomen. We managed to get to the time that we took hitchhiking. People who got us were so kind to invite us to stay in them and to feed us (the most delicious products that have eaten) and allow to rest. In a room with a fan were assembled to 5-6 men who asked us to where we go. After they explained about the place we're looking at selected - young they take us. We were in a pretty little village in which the tobacco and sewage flowed in the streets. 

 We went along a narrow path and found ourselves in a green valley through which the river and apparently there husbands were doing a picnic and beach. Pit which was looked really nice place, but with ice water. When I figured that it is not good to bathe ty as the heat that I suffered with a combination of cold and pain will not lead to anything good. That has not stopped locals to enjoy the coolness. There were only men and no woman. Initially all seemed well until the men who bathed there were not divided into two groups (one of our driver's side) and started burning controversy. Began to break branches and be prepared for war, but everything was quiet joy and one group left. As I realized later was a conflict because the two girls who were with us. Local felt that their presence pollute the place and had to stay there until there is more women.


Once we realized that we decided on the safest way to leave and go back. Our hosts were so kind to drive us to the main road where I got ride of Mardin. It was a very hot experience this day of joy all census alive and healthy.

неделя, 1 юли 2012 г.

Turkey - Mardin - Diyarbakir 2012

Began a series of images in Turkey and just south of Turkey and "Kurdistan" - call it so because the majority of the population is understood as Kurds. 
I was one month mainly in Mardin, but almost every day traveling around the surrounding towns. He had to 150-200 people from different countries, mostly from Europe, who had gathered for International Mesopotamia Circus and Street Arts Festival. Photographs will not be chronological but I think that this is not so important I hope you will enjoy. Festival passed - I guess not all people have been nice, but the truth is that there's plenty to see and learn - and mostly for themselves Us. There was a great experience dating and thank you for most of the people who were there. 
The first series of photos that will show will be from Diyarbakir. We left a ride (in this respect Turkey is a very good country for hitchhiking, they picked up pretty quickly) nine people from Mardin and Diyarbakir in the evening we slept in our Syuleman friend who was a great host. I thank him and his family for the warm welcome and given us support, and amazing young girls that made us smile constantly.What made me impression is that there were many children who beg and even we were constantly warned to keep their belongings. Quite reminds me of Bulgaria :) Spending us went there without accident you quite nicely. It is when a local resident with you.